Certified Reseller of Claris FileMaker® Licenses Our dedicated FileMaker licensing team can help you quickly obtain the optimal licensing setup for your organization, and we aim to save you money in the process. We can help you find the right fit for your Claris licenses, from internal to external users, solutions with WebDirect, site licenses and more. We can then help you purchase and install your licenses so that you can utilize Claris FileMaker to the fullest extent possible. We can also help you upgrade old or expired FileMaker licenses, and answer any questions you have about your licensing setup. Fill out the form below and we’ll respond to gather additional information and return a licensing quote. If there are any promotions we’re aware of, we’ll be sure to let you know. We’ll also send you reminders before your licenses expire, so that you never experience a lapse in support. Which type of licenses do you need? Our experts are trained to assess your needs and recommend the optimal licensing setup for your organization, whether that means renewing your current structure, purchasing a site license, measuring concurrent users, or moving to Claris Cloud. We can assist government, education and non-profit agencies with their license needs as well. Need help installing your FileMaker licenses? Check out this blog post for using the FileMaker license certificate, or let us know by filling out the form below and we can assist you.