8 FileMaker Features We’re Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving from AppWorks! We wanted to take this time of year to contribute potluck-style to a list of our best-loved FileMaker features. Feast your eyes on our all-time favorite FileMaker traits, and please let us know which features you think warrant a little extra holiday gratitude.

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Parsing Methods for JSON Parameters

Here at AppWorks we’ve been revamping some of our popular (and free!) downloadable modules with FileMaker’s native JSON functionality. But why stop there? The more JSON the better. Why do we love JSON so much? It’s human-readable and easy to write It’s lightweight and flexible It’ll make your API Integrations even easier to implement It […]

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fmSearchResults 5 download delivers new features with simple implementation

AppWorks would like to announce the new version of Matt Navarre’s highly-acclaimed fmSearchResults for FileMaker! fmSearchResults 5 download delivers many new features, greatly simplified implementation, a new theme, natural triggered search, and faster performance. But the biggest new feature is the price — it’s offered as a free download under a Creative Commons license.

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Version 2.0 of fmLog – Free Download

Imagine this scenario: At 4:47 p.m. Fred in sales opens the company’s FileMaker system and navigates to the contact list layout. He selects a contact and clicks a button to print a report of communications in the last three months. A beach ball icon spins for a few seconds, but nothing prints. Assuming something is […]

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